Monday, April 28, 2014


It is not about having an easy life neither is it about having a life full of struggles. It is about standing up for the things you want, the way you want to lead your life. And that choice is entirely up to you. You cannot make it complex or simple just because you want to, without making any sense. If you want something, you have to work your ass off for it. No excuse. If you cannot ; then you actually don’t wish enough for it to happen.
 No one just wakes up one fine morning, realize that they have been leading a simple life so start finding every single chance to make it complex (or decide had too much of drama so just make it simple just by wishing for it.) Neither is it about doing nothing about things you want just because you don’t want to complicate things. It’s about making things happen, just wishing for them doesn’t change anything and make them happen by some unknown magic. Neither does it make any sense to blame it on luck or destiny for the actions not taken by us, at the right time.

Even at the age of 25 the biggest hurdles/failure in my present life is flunking in an exam or performing poorly in a competitive exam. When the fact is that i haven’t actually started facing even small proportion of the things that can actually make my life go upside down for real. The fear, nervousness, anxiety I experience in that exam hall doesn’t stand a chance compared to the problems human system can present with during my medicine practice. Coming up with the right answer even in those pressurized situations actually matters. There you cannot give an excuse of getting confused or going blank cause I will be dealing with lives not some random questions with four options to opt from.
Having a real composed mind matters then. I have also realized a healthy active mind resides in a healthy active physical body. So neglecting it for any damn reason however important , is not a wise deal.
Few big changes are about to happen in near future. Major decisions and lifetime events are in the pipeline. And it takes a lot of patience, struggle, sacrifices to actually make a life according to one’s wishes. It isn’t going to be simple but it will be surely worth it.
In all of this I cannot ignore the supreme power. He always makes his presence felt. Always gives a new hope, new vigor, a fresh energy which I never thought even existed within me, to continue this large scale drama called life.
So all I need is oodles of patience, perseverance and faith in myself, to hang on to my dreams make them happen and see them coming alive in front of my own eyes.
cheers.. :)

Hang on!

You have to reach out Yeah, you have to Sometimes to help Sometimes to seek The simplest of the things The not so obvious signs That subtle ...