Monday, March 19, 2018


Why are most of the songs on love?
Cause it's the most important thing people need?
Or is it the most easiest way to fool and exploit people of their money.

Is it because life is nothing without love?
Or is it because love sells more?

The singer, the writer do they mean what they sing, what they write?
The listeners do they try to grasp the meaning behind those words or does the music only reach their ears.

The passion they put into music, the concerts, the plays, the different versions of love described, sung.
None knows how many souls are really touched and how many just fool around..

How the hand that plays the guitar pulls the strings of our heart
How the singer we never met, speaks through his song to our soul
How the lyrics showcase our life's story, which happens to be untold

So many questions, yet the answers remain unknown..

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Hang on!

You have to reach out Yeah, you have to Sometimes to help Sometimes to seek The simplest of the things The not so obvious signs That subtle ...